Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Decisions, Decisions.

friends in the luberon...

I made the mistake of going to the theatre class today, just for kicks...I say mistake only because now I know what I'll be missing if I take archeology instead. The professor is this skinny bald bespectacled man, which would endear me to him even if he weren't amazing because my director in high school (who probably had a bigger influence on me than anyone else save my parents) was a skinny bald bespectacled man, and also more creatively insightful and brilliant than anyone else I've known. 
The class covers a bit of historical business, and then for the second half of the period we rehearse scenes in French. It was SO FUN, and time flew in a way I know it just isn't going to in archeology class. I love that material, but being as ADD as I am I cannot sit still and listen to a lecture/watch a slideshow for 3 hours with only a ten minute least not without checking the clock every so (re: much too) often. But if I want to do an independent study in archeology next year, this class would help significantly. 
I'm so torn, and it doesn't seem like that big of a deal except that it's the story of my life right now: passion vs. practicality. I'm doing geo more out of a desire not to make minimum wage than out of love, and honestly? I'd be a lot happier as an English major. If anyone has any advice/life lessons or just wants to tell me what to do, I welcome your emails. 

my darling friend arielle keeps me laughing. 
she is also stunningly beautiful and has the personality to back it up.

Everyone has started getting packages from home with letters and Valentine's goodies and love, so I want to make sure all my darling friends and family know how to reach me the old fashioned way, just in case! Email just doesn't replace the tangibility of a handwritten note. My address is:

c/o AUCP
19, cours des Arts-et-Métiers
13100 Aix-en-Provence, FRANCE

 I have four sheets left of the lovely stationery I got for Christmas and I'm hankering to write some letters, so drop me a note if you want a personalized update with my illegible handwriting all over it. Love you all!