Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ah mon dieu! or, the words of capucine.

Scenario: We are standing at the ATM. Nearby, some middle school-aged kids are making a racket and generally being irritating. Capucine, ever the cool aixoise, is perfectly coiffed and made up, wearing all black and grey and a giant pair of aviators. 

Capucine (muttering): Ohh la la la la*....ah mon dieu. Oh mai gohd. (Sometimes Capu uses English phrases when she is irritated and/or being facetious or funny, but she pronounces each word distinctly and she has an extremely heavy French accent. )

Catherine: Qu'est-ce que c'est, ma chérie? (What is it, sweetie?)

Capucine: Les jeunes aujourd'hui...ils sont insupportable! (Young people today....they are unbearable!)

(She is fifteen going on twenty five.)

*This is pronounced "oh loh loh" rather than "oo lah lah"