Sunday, March 8, 2009

It was Legen-wait for it-DARY.

Last night I made French friends! 
We ran into some other people's language partners at Le Pet't Bistro Saturday night, and it might have been my favorite evening yet. 

Two of the guys we were hanging out with are obsessed with the TV show How I Met Your Mother (which, PS, me is way underrated), and when they found out I go to college in Minnesota, they got SO EXCITED because one of the characters is from there. 

When I told them mon copain is Minnesotan, they had a slew of questions, including:
Is he really tall? (Yes)
Does he wear purple and yellow all zee time? (No)
Do lots of people in Minnesota wear purple? (Only because of the Vikings)
Does he like to feesh a lot? (Yes)
Does he feesh for zee walleyes?! (Yes, among other things.)
Does he play zee feeshing video games? (Not that I know of)

And then I got told I look like this girl, which is completely false but she's a knockout so I'll take it. 

I was walked most of the way home by an entourage of six French engineering students, who were not even slightly sketchy, and we talked about Alain Robert, the French Spiderman.

All in all, a successful evening. 
(AND I even got invited to a costume party, which I can't go to since I'll be in Paris. Bummer.)