Monday, January 19, 2009

the first day!

(This is my room! You're welcome, Mom.)

Today was the first day at the American Center--aside from the extremely long and exhausting test we had to take, everything was a lot of fun. It was the first time all the American students got to meet, which was SO nice. After only seeing my host family, it was nice to be able to speak without worrying whether or not my grammar was correct.  

I went out to lunch with two other kids from my program and a French student named Quentin who is also 20. He loves BMX and American movies, although when we asked him which movies the only one he mentioned was P.S. I Love You. Questionable? Perhaps.

This afternoon, when we were returning from our delicious Italian lunch, we saw a guy in a black striped shirt sprint down the cobblestone street with three baguettes under his arm. Also, there are kids making out on every corner...I suppose there's always something to a cliché.

Right now Capucine and I are watching E! and eating crêpes with Nutella. Gossip shows are automatically classier in French. Also, it's educational. Seriously. (Next up on E!: L'Incroyable Famille Kardashian!)